Welcome to the NNSA Explosives Classification Program

Explosives Classification Tracking System

The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Packaging and Transportation Division (PTD) Explosives Classification Program (ECP) provides the Explosives Classification Tracking System (ECTS) database of interim hazard classifications (IHCs) for explosives that are issued specifically for use by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Explosives are evaluated by following the procedures in TB 700-2/NAVSEAINST 8020.8C, TO 11A-1-47/DLAR 8220.1, Department of Defense Ammunition and Explosives Hazard Classification Procedures.  Approved items are assigned with a reference number by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

An IHC is the mechanism used by the DOE to allow transportation of Class 1 material in the United States when the item’s final hazard classification process has not been completed and the item is not yet on file with the DOT.  A temporary hazard classification is assigned in accordance with 49 CFR 173.56(b)(3), DOT-SP 15448, and TB 700-2.

The IHCs are located within the secured area of the ECTS website.  Registered and authorized users may download this information in .pdf format.  You must have a user name and password to access these items.

Note that ECTS is no longer a source for copies of DOT Final Hazard Classification Letters or Explosives Classification numbers (EX numbers).  The DOT generates the EX numbers and the associated Final Hazard Classification Letters, and is the authoritative source for this information.  Therefore, links to the DOT website to allow ECTS users to obtain copies of EX numbers and their associated Final Hazard Classification Letters has been provided in ECTS. The DOT website does not contain copies of all DOT Final Hazard Classification Letters.  However, the DOT website provides contact information that can be used to request copies of EX Final Hazard Classification Letters that are not posted on the website.

Please review Security & Privacy policies prior to registration or use of the site.

ECTS Registration Instructions

To register, select “Register” which is located at the top, right-hand corner of this page.

Complete the registration form in its entirety and submit the form by selecting “Register” which is located at the bottom of the registry page.  The information will be sent to the ECTS Administrator.  Once you are approved as an Authorized User, you will receive an email confirming your approval.  If you have any questions, please contact ECTS Support.

NOTE:   The minimum password length allowable is seven (7) characters.   The password may consist of alphabetic, numeric, or special characters and may be mixed.

Please review Security & Privacy policies prior to registration or use of the site.